
EXOTIC SYSTEMS is a committed and responsible actor to make the complicated world of IOT more accessible to everyone.

Our partnership

From connected tractors and agricultural sensors to mining operations and global multimodal logistics tracking, smart electronics designer Exotic Systems relies on Kinéis to help it deliver custom solutions in some of the most complex environments.

How has Kinéis satellite connectivity contributed to your IoT business?
One of our areas of expertise is the design and development of connected objects for challenging contexts such as agriculture, mining and remote sites. Kinéis has enabled us to resolve the IoT issue in complex areas which include blank zones and require multiple operators spanning several different countries, with rates varying from twice to five times as much for the same data volume.
Satellite connectivity previously required expensive equipment, which was totally at odds with the low-cost philosophy of terrestrial IoT. So we reserved it for just a few specific cases. Kinéis makes satellite connectivity available to all.

In practical terms, which satellite IoT solutions have you been able to develop?
Continuous global coverage ensures things like reliable crop moisture monitoring and optimal plant growth data collection, thanks to sensors positioned in remotely located fields.
Kinéis is perfectly suited to such purposes, since its energy autonomy is far superior to that of cellular connected devices, which are highly battery intensive.
Satellite IoT also enables uninterrupted, multimodal and indoor/outdoor logistics tracking. Coupling a Kinéis solution with a Wirepas system, for instance, is a quick and cost-effective way to connect a warehouse and secure reliable coverage of an entire supply chain. Our KINETIC series of robust devices provides viable solutions for most of these scenarios.

Is it easy to achieve hybrid connectivity?
Yes, because Kinéis has its own frequency band, meaning guaranteed global coverage and zero interference with other used frequencies. Kinéis has also proved to be a first-rate partner, further enriching our ecosystem of electronics and antenna experts who all help to create solutions that incorporate satellite, LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Bluetooth and other connectivity into a single device. We have got together to develop solutions that are compact, efficient and cost effective.

Are Kinéis components easily integrable?
Absolutely. Kinéis produces a range of pre-certified components, chips and modules. This makes testing easier and enables the rapid development of certified custom industrial solutions. We have leveraged our expertise to integrate the module directly into an electronic sub-component so that we can start to work on and validate a solution within a few days. But Kinéis also produces a Development Kit, to facilitate the task for less expert integrators. Depending on circumstances, this chipset can also help to reduce cost price and optimize energy consumption. The next few months will see the release of new KINETIC products featuring these components, which will enable our customers to further reduce their capital and operating expenses.

Do these latest products open up new market prospects for you?
We have received requests in recent years from areas with zero connectivity, where we have had to overlap several solutions. This entails complex and costly methods, for fairly one-off markets. Kinéis has enabled us to rethink these needs and to access new markets, such as secure, round-the-clock multimodal logistics tracking for the space and military sectors. The technical and commercial support provided by Kinéis, combined with its expertise and reputation in the space industry, have played a crucial role in helping us to broach these markets.

The product



dédiée au tracking de vos équipements


About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

Contact us

11, rue Hermes
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00


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